Target Industries




With a highly-skilled workforce and technical training offered at Hutchinson Community College, Hutchinson is an ideal location for advanced manufacturing companies and those looking to produce quality products in the USA. We are primed for growth in this sector with over five times more people in Reno County are employed in manufacturing than agriculture. Hutchinson’s industry has a solid foundation in manufacturing clusters which includes machinery, equipment and wood and metal products for machinery. Machinery is growing and is the most highly concentrated sector in Hutchinson.

Manufacturing Fact Sheet



Reno County has a emerging concentration of data processing and hosting services, and has experienced significant employment growth in recent years. Hutchinson’s emerging technology base is growing and can take advantage of local educational specialties and skilled labor. This technology cluster includes manufacturers of semiconductors, integrated circuits, memory chips, microprocessors, diodes, transistors and other optoelectronic devices. Custom computer programming and computer systems design services are growing rapidly.

Technology Fact Sheet



As the regional hub for Reno County, Hutchinson is the ideal location for healthcare providers to base their operations. Businesses located here, have the opportunity to attract patients from Hutchinson and the entire South Central Kansas region. Competitive pay rates, along with Reno County’s positive healthcare growth and business friendly climate makes the region a good option for healthcare related services

Healthcare Fact Sheet



Hutchinson is a destination in South Central Kansas for those looking to have a good time. People come from throughout the region to catch a game, visit a museum or nature center, golf, shop, dine, or take a short vacation. This makes Hutchinson an ideal location for anyone in the retail sector. In addition to serving a regional population of 85,000, retailers can market to the tourists who regularly frequent our great community. Retail trade in Hutchinson Hutchinson has more than 3,826 retail employees and a net surplus of retail sales. 

Retail Fact Sheet